Donate / Become a Member

Park Pride (a 501C3 Non-Profit) acts as fiscal agent for Friends of Peachtree Hills Park. This allows us to accept gifts and offer a tax benefit to donors. To make a tax-free, online cash contributions to Peachtree Hills Park, please click the Donate button below.

Please remember to select Peachtree Hills Park from the drop-down menu. On this page, you can make one-time or recurring donations, download receipts, and more.

Receipts for in-kind donations(i.e. goods and services) may be downloaded here.  Many thanks for your support of our park.

Join Friends of Peachtree Hills Park

The Friends of Peachtree Hills Park are people who care about the park and have raised and invested thousands of dollars and contributed hundreds of volunteer hours to improve the park and add the amenities visitors now enjoy.

How Can YOU become a “Friend”? Annual membership are $20 (but larger amounts are welcome). Please click here to download a membership form; complete it and follow the instructions on the form for sending your payment.

If you prefer,  you can pay online by credit card by clicking the Join button below.  Please note that online payments are $25.00.

and select Peachtree Hills Park from the drop-down menu.