Friends of Peachtree Hills Park is a group of volunteers who raise money and work to make the park a great place to visit! The City of Atlanta owns and manages the park.
Through the efforts of our Friends group and in partnership with Park Pride and the City of Atlanta Parks Department we:
- Conduct regular work days to spread mulch, and remove kudzu, poison ivy and trash
- Attend City Council meetings and contact representatives and the Mayor to support parks funding
- Created a Community Garden which has been featured in local publications as a model for similar programs
- Became certified creek monitors and report our testing results to Georgia Adopt-A-Stream
- Raised and invested over $100,000 for park improvements Identify maintenance needs for the park and communicate them to the Parks Department
- Installed drinking fountains- for pets and people
- Installed a flagpole plaza with personalized bricks
- Installed walking paths
- Stabilized the creek banks